Mississippi Masala explored the aftermath of colonialism in Africa. The forced removal of South Asians in Uganda is complicated because while you don’t want South Asians displaced, their presence is a sign of colonialism and the influences of the Western nation. In the South Asian communities there is a lot of anti-blackness and so it is no wonder that Africans would want to go back to pre-colonial times when there was no anti-black sentiment in their homes by their South Asian neighbors.
Black and South Asian interactions are also explored in “Flipping the Gender Script” in the hip hop community. While there is already limited space for women in the hip hop industry, non-black women and South Asian women in particular have an even harder time navigating the space. They constantly have to “prove themselves” which is exhausting and unfair. MIA is a successful representation of South Asians in the hip hop community, producing songs that have to deal with death, disease, terror, and more.